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And different Personal Data offered by you that is relevant to the provision of our services together with our evaluation of the data referred to above. Musgrave Group is dedicated to respecting your privateness and complying with information safety legislation. 5.three You might only use this Site as a common guide to make value comparisons on your personal non-public use and shall not use this website for another purposes.
Specifically, such transfers to locations that are not in receipt of an adequacy determination are solely ever made lawfully by means of the European Commission’s Model Contractual Clauses. More information and a replica of the Model Contractual Clauses can be found on the European Commission’s website. We might transfer and/or retailer Personal Data associated to you to a destination exterior the European Economic Area (“EEA”) from time to time. In this context, this Personal Data may be processed by staff working exterior Online Shop the EEA who work for us or for considered one of our suppliers. If you don’t provide us with your Personal Data, we may not be succesful of offer you sure providers or respond to any questions or requests you submit to us by way of our web site. Details of your use of any of our Services or Sites including, however not restricted to, visitors data, location knowledge, weblogs and different communication knowledge.
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